13th annual congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders
5 au 7 février, La Haye, Pays-Bas
Cédric HERMANS, Bruxelles
D’après la communication orale de R. van der Graaf “Gene therapy for children, ethical aspects”. Session “Dilemmas in PUPs and paediatric patients”. Session 3 : Dilemmas in PUPs and Paediatric Patients
D’après la communication par poster de W Miesbach “Gene therapy”. Session 2 : Therapeutic Landscapes.
D’après la communication orale de S W. Pipe “The management of breakthrough bleeding events in patients treated with fitusiran, an RNAi therapeutic for the treatment of haemophilia”. Abstract OR08.
D’après la communication par poster de C.D.D. Ley et al. “Improved effect of Mim8, a next-generation FVIII mimetic, translates from human in vitro to humanized mouse and cynomolgus models”. Abstract P028.
D’après la communication orale de P. Lenting “Monitoring novel therapeutics”. Session “Diagnostic discoveries”. Session 4 : Diagnostic Discoveries.
D’après la communication par poster de B. Zulfikar et al. “Circumcision in haemophilia with inhibitors during emicizumab prophylaxis”. Abstract P070.
D’après la communication orale de J. Mahlangu et al. “Phase 2B trial to evaluate the safety and factor IX levels resulting from a daily subcutaneous prophylaxis treatment regimen of dalcinonacog alfa (dalca) in hemophilia B”. Abstract OR07.
D’après la communication orale de K. Holstein K et al. “Impact of hepatitis C infection on bone microstructure of patients with haemophilia”. Abstract OR05.
D’après la communication orale de M Viprey. “Treatment of girls and women with haemophilia A and haemophilia B: A retrospective study in the FranceCoag Cohort”. Abstract OR02.
D’après la communication orale de R. Ko “Summary of thrombotic events or thrombotic microangiopathy events in persons taking emicizumab”. Session “Hot Topics”.
Équipe éditoriale
Rédacteur en chef
CHRU de Tours (Tours)
Dr Dominique DESPREZ
CHU de Strasbourg
CHU de Lille
Dr Laurent SATTLER
CHU de Strasbourg
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